Sunday 22 January 2012

Joined Up Thinker

A World Class city has a joiner upper... someone who is specifically tasked with getting to know people in the city and getting to know what's going on and where.  The Joiner Upper joins things together - brings people together - introduces people to projects that are going on - looks beyond the here and now and thinks beyond the box.  The Joiner Upper takes the city's themes, priorities and obsessions and maps them onto what's happening day to day - brings the public and private together - uses the power and capacity of each of the institutions to support one another's ambitions.  The Joiner Upper goes to concerts, recitals, the theatre, goes to the Clubs and public places, goes into the Council Chamber and the restaurants, goes into the schools and the Universities and the TV stations and the radio stations and the Community Centres.  S/he doesn't keep office hours and s/he doesn't have an office.  People get connected.
People get introduced to one another.
Win:Wins are created in many contexts.
People learn about what other people are doing and connections are made.
Information gets spread.  A wider community of people become connected to events/activities.  They grow.  Social capital grows.
Common purpose grows.
More people find out about the things that are going on.
Word of mouth spreads.  The information spreads.  More people know more about what's going on, more often.  Opportunities become more widespread.  As participation grows, democratisation of opportunity grows.
The city becomes a more inclusive and more democratic place.
There are multiple connections made between people doing disparate things. 
Ideas are generated through cross-pollination. 

Connections happen.
Agency spreads.
Things happen...


"Marian Wright Edelman gave an amazingly moving speech that called on everyone in the audience to do something to help other children beat the odds, to lend a hand to help pull kids out of poverty, and to work harder to shape a better world for future generations.
Her comments were truly remarkable.  She said that we will fail as a country morally and economically if we don’t work now to uplift young people.  Edelman noted that every nine seconds of every school day, a child drops out of school and that what she called “the cradle to prison pipeline” — where a black ten year old has a one in three chance of ending up in prison — is creating a modern day apartheid.  We cannot be a wealthy, successful nation when 14 million of our children are living in poverty, are going to school hungry, are sleeping on floors at night and studying in unsafe spaces during the day.  Young people cannot flourish in life when they are not nourished with the most basic necessities.
Eli Khamarov said that 'poverty is like punishment for a crime you didn’t commit.'" reproduced from

A World Class city is committed to social justice.
A World Class city has a clear view of what its schools are there to achieve.

TEDx Kids

 A World Class City has an annual TEDx Kids.

“Do animals have a secret language?” We were up and running, and in front of nearly 200 people in the university auditorium, one of the first eight-year-old speakers began her talk.
Over Spring and Summer 2011 we worked alongside the staff at Thorney Close Primary School, Sunderland, UK, on a hugely ambitious project: to see what happens when you give the TEDxKids format not to a bunch of adults to talk about what kids need, but to a bunch of real, live, unpredictable, unfettered kids.

TEDx Youth


A world class city should have a TEDx

... that was well publicised
... that connects disparate parts of the city community
... that connects people
... that starts a conversation in the press, on the streets, in the schools, in the bars and in the Council Chamber.